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Saints Database

Welcome! This ever-growing, ever-evolving database aims to be the go-to place to learn more about the amazing people beatified or canonized by the Catholic Church. You can search for people by name; birthdate or country; deathdate or country; feast day; beatification or canonization date (and by whom); and the date they appear in my book Sisterhood of Saints where appropriate. Where possible, the search results will include an image of the saint, a quote, and links to more information. Find an error? Have a resource to add? Want a saint added to the database? Want to see patronages, a daily prayer, or ascribed miracles added? Email me.

Search terms may be entered free of form in the search box below. To force a search to include a keyword, add a + symbol before the first letter of the word; to exclude a keyword, add a - symbol. For example, +mary -magdalene will find all the Mary records except for Mary Magdalene.

If you want to include a date in your search, enter it in the YEAR/MONTH/DAY format (i.e. 945/12/5). When searching for a birthday, feastday, etc., just enter the month and day as MONTH/DAY (i.e. 7/15).

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                    © 2025, Melanie Rigney