with Melanie Rigney
MediaI’m an experienced media professional, starting with my first job out of college as a legislative reporter for a radio station. Television, radio, and newspaper reporters frequently interviewed me about marketing trends and issues while I was managing editor of Advertising Age magazine and then on publishing topics during my time as Writer’s Digest editor. Numerous Catholic media outlets have hosted me for programs about the women saints and about ministering to returning Catholics. (Check out some of those interviews there on the right.) Contact me if you’d like to schedule an interview. I’m succinct, engaging… and always happy to help.
I talked about embracing God’s surprises — including a fall on my front teeth — at the Future with Hope Women 2020 virtual conference. One More Page Books & More owner Eileen McGervey, my dear friend MEG Gilroy, and I had a blast talking about Brotherhood of Saints—and chocolate and wine pairings. It was our second team-up, after our chat about Radical Saints (and, you guessed it, chocolate and wine pairings).
My good friend Pat Gohn and I also delved into Radical Saints on her “Among Women” podcast.
Listen to Allison Gingras's "A Seeking Heart" podcast with Melanie, or click the picture below to watch and listen:
In Print: How Landings International helped Melanie return to faith. A News Story from the Atlanta Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Who's your confirmation saint? Listen to Melanie share the story of her selection... and how it turned out God had inspired her after all.
Melanie's story of faith lost Interviews The Rediscover Hour with Jeff Cavins Melanie and Pat Gohn talk on: Jerry Klein interviews Melanie on: Breadbox Media's High resolution photo for |