Enjoy the Little Things

by Melanie on February 10, 2017

in Affirmations, Family, Friendship, Going 60 MPH, Memoir, Nonfiction

An occasional series based on stuff that hangs in my room… or my heart.

You can enjoy the little things… or long for the big things. You can love what you have… or wish for what you don’t. The choice is affirmations1yours.

This is a hard one for me to write about, because I honestly cannot remember a time when I had my heart set on attaining something large. Oh, a career goal or two, sure. The love of a good man, and I’m blessed to say I’ve experienced that. But a particular car or piece of clothing or furniture… not so much. I’ll credit in part my upbringing in a lower-middle-class family, where presents and hopes were generally small. Any grandiose tangible desires I might have acquired along the way were driven out of me when I divorced and had almost no disposable income for three years.

So what are the little things I enjoy?

  • Any sunrise.
  • Most sunsets.
  • Smiles.
  • Laughs.
  • Hugs.
  • Kindnesses by others who think what they’ve done is nothing in terms of time lost or money spent, but that mean a lot to me.

And I hope that, each day, I manage to do a little thing right for another person, whether I know him or her or not.

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