Something Greater than the Temple

by Melanie on July 19, 2013

in Catholicism, Friendship, Life in the 50s, Memoir, Nonfiction, Spirituality, Your Daily Tripod

Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.

It’s been an interesting time for a number of my friends and me. New jobs. New babies. New relationships. New adventures in ministry. But no matter how exciting or positive the change is, it still is change: uncertain and stressful. What about the people I’m leaving behind? Have I prepared them to go on without me? What will happen to our friendships? And what about the new situation—what if the people don’t like or understand me as well? What if I’m not a good parent or grandparent? What if those the new ministry is supposed to touch say, “Thanks but no thanks,” politely or impolitely?

I’ve had this conversation with people and with myself more times than I can count in the past few months. And Matthew 12:6 is where I always end up in prayer or counsel:

 I say to you, something greater than the temple is here.

It’s tempting and so human to focus on ourselves when our lives are in upheaval, positively or negatively. That’s why we ask all those “I” and “me” questions. But truly, it’s not all about us and the little temples we have built, temples of competence and comfort and predictability. It’s about God and where he sends us.

Better, then to pray that he equip us to understand and to do his will than to concern ourselves with whether or not people will give us atta-girls and atta-boys or buy us “World’s Best Grandparent” T-shirts or provide awards and accolades for our efforts. God’s definition of success may be different from ours or the world’s. But his is the only one that matters.

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Bonnei Rose Hudson July 19, 2013 at 10:28 am

Thank you for the reminder!

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