On the Nightstand: September 2016

by Melanie on September 2, 2016

in Blessed Are You, Books, Catholicism, Missionaries, Newsletter, Nonfiction, On the Nightstand, Spirituality

Ever since I returned to faith in 2005, I’ve been a sucker for Matthew 16:15:

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

The challenge comes after Jesus asks who people say he is, and the disciples hem and haw around. In response to the second question, it is only Peter–flawed, seemingly dense to this point, all too human Peter–who responds that Jesus is the messiah, the son of the living God.

So given that, I would have jumped all over the just-colleenmitchellreleased Who Does He Say You Are? Women Transformed by Christ in the Gospels if for no reason other than the promise of the title. I’m even more eager to read it now knowing a little bit about author Colleen C. Mitchell, who was kind enough to write one of the reflections when one of my titles was the summer book club pick for Women in the New Evangelization.

Colleen lives her life and her faith (to her, they’re one and the same) boldly and confidently. She and her husband are raising five children in Costa Rica, where they’ve lived for nearly five years since they began a non-profit ministry named for their son Bryce, who died seven years ago. They provide medical care and other support to mothers in the area. And through her writing and speaking, Colleen feeds many, many more.

What’s on your nightstand?

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