Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.
When was the last time you heard His voice?
Was it early this morning, when your children were giggling over breakfast?
Was it in mid-morning, when your boss or a difficult colleague cut you a little slack when you weren’t prepared for a meeting?
Was it at lunchtime, when that guy who’s always panhandling at the Metro stop, instead of asking for spare change, told you to smile because God loves you?
Was it in the afternoon when you got an unexpected, welcome text or email from someone from whom you hadn’t heard for a while?
Was it on the way home, when scripture or another spiritual reading you’ve been struggling with suddenly was clear as clear could be?
Was it when you got home and found dinner ready, flowers, a sweet note in the mail, or some other little virtual (or real-life!) hug?
Was it in the evening, when you were counting your blessings in prayer and felt yourself drowsing off in God’s arms?
God speaks to us all the time… sometimes in that small, quiet voice, sometimes through the kindnesses of others. All we have to do is listen… and follow.
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