Being Christ in Our Lives: Meredith Gould

by Melanie on November 30, 2013

in Catholicism, Christ in Our Lives, Friendship, Newsletter, Nonfiction, Spirituality, Writing

They don’t come much funnier, more opinionated, or more ecumenical than my friend Meredith Gould. You may knowmeredithgould Meredith for her expertise in church communications, as witnessed by her books The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways and The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today.

Meredith was raised Jewish, spent time in a yoga ashram, hung out with Pentecostal Christians, received confirmation in the Roman Catholic church about ten years ago, and includes St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Baltimore on her list of favorite worship communities. Oh, and her husband is an Episcopal priest.

Behind all this public-facing expertise is a loving, thoughtful woman who struggles just like the rest of us to grasp the enormity of Christ’s love for us… and his call for us to love others in the same way.  Who has reflected Christ on your journey?

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