The Harvest and Idols

by Melanie on July 5, 2016

in Catholicism, Cursillo, Nonfiction, Spirituality, Your Daily Tripod

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.

At some level, we all need something more than the day-to-day joys and aggravations life on earth offers us. We know it. But even when we know precisely what it is we tripod_harvest_wikimedia_07042016need, we have a tendency to be a little restless.

And so, we set up idols. They’re not always bad or dangerous on the surface the way narcotics or overeating are. Sometimes they’re far more subtle. We want a nice house or a nice car or nice clothes, and we set them… or the money we need to buy them or the job we need to make the money to buy them… up as idols. We love our family so much that we can’t imagine life without them, and we invest all we have in those relationships, setting them up as idols. Indeed, we can even get so wrapped up in service to the Lord that our pride in a job well done and need for recognition become idols.

Idols take up space in our lives. If we’re not mindful, they can crowd out God. Let’s be careful with our time, talent, and treasure that the master of the harvest always is pleased with our labors.

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