Wednesday’s Woman: St. Nonna

by Melanie on August 5, 2015

in Catholicism, Nonfiction, Saints, Spirituality, Wednesday's Woman

The Basics: Born in the fourth century in Turkey; died about 374 in Turkey; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, August 5. Wife and mother.

The Story: If ever there was a mother who had an impact on her family’s faith life, it was Nonna. Raised by Christian parents, she was given in marriage to Gregory of Nazianzus, the follower of a pagan sect. It is said this troubled Nonna greatly, as she grew to love her husband and prayed for his conversion. Then Gregory experienced a dream or vision of singing one of David’s psalms. The vision and Nonna’s continued prayers and guidance eventually led to his conversion, including service as a bishop for decades.

Nonna's husband and son (both named Gregory), in a 12th century miniature.

Nonna’s husband and son (both named Gregory), in a 12th century miniature.

After several years of marriage, Gregory and Nonna had three children: Caesarius (a physician who kept his faith despite political temptations); Gorgonia (a wife and mother); and Gregory the Theologian, an archbishop and theologian whose writings were so significant that he is a Doctor of both the Eastern and Western Churches. All five members of the family are regarded as saints in Roman Catholic Church, and it is primarily through eulogies given by Gregory the Theologian that we have some insight into the family and Nonna in particular. Gregory describes her as a woman whose piety and household expertise both were beyond compare, and as someone who shared her faith and worldly wealth unstintingly.

Gregory the Theologian about Nonna: “What time or what place did not see her praying? Prayer was her first occupation as soon as God sent a new day.”

What We Can Learn from Nonna: Imagine the joy Nonna felt when her husband, for whom she had prayed so long, came to her to discuss his vision. Consider her example the next time a family member, friend, or coworker comes to you with questions about the way Christ is working in his or her life. Listen. Guide thoughtfully, no matter how simple the questions or obvious the answers.

To Learn More About Nonna: Gregory the Theologian’s orations and letters may be read free online at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. The book Families and Friends in Late Roman Cappadocia by Raymond Van Dam also is available online and includes a lovely chapter on Nonna and Gorgonia.

To Learn More About Other Women Saints and Blesseds: Come back next week, or consider buying my books, Blessed Are You: Finding Inspiration from Our Sisters in Faith or Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration.

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